10 Covert Designs of Manipulators

I barely know who I am, and how to introduce and describe myself,

Constantly dealing with Chaos, I have been walking on the Eggshell surrounded by the Lethal Freak Fog, I have deformed quite a bit from former self of me.

The convoluted dance with the narcissists around is a matter of time. Time has only, one thing to do and that is to fly.

I need to learn to deal with the following 10 Major Designs of the Narcissist

1. Gaslighting

2. Projection

3. Generalization

4. Moving the Goal Post

5. Changing the Subject

6. Name Calling

7. Smear Campaign

8. Devaluation

9. Aggressive Jokes

10. Triangulation
Let us try to understand and stretch beyond the boundaries of both the sides of darkness

1. Gaslighting term is inspired from Hollywood movie.

1. Is a Psychological Abuse with varying degree of intensity in everyday life: be it personal, social, Corporate, Marketing, International Politics to Media Management, to assessing, evaluating, negating or designing conspiracy theories, finding a niche as a vantage point and exploiting it to the fullest.

2. Is one of the most insidious manipulative tactics that can be described in three different variations as mentioned below:

a. That did not happen ever

b. You just imagined it

c. Are you crazy

3. The techniques involved in “Gaslighting” are very similar to

a. Brain Washing

b. Interrogation

c. Torture- Physical, Emotional, Financial, Social.

4. Gaslighting is done by systematically targeting the victim by instilling

a. Anxiety

b. Confusion

5. Gaslighting systematically targets the victim’s

a. Mental Equilibrium

b. Self Confidence

c. Self Esteem

6. There are three steps to ultimate Gaslighting

a. Idealization

b. Devaluation

c. Discard

7. How to spot and scan the abuser

a. Frequently withhold factual information

b. Replace it with New stories or False Information

c. It’s very very subtle this cunning “MACHIAVELLIAN”

. behavior deeply diabolic and psychopathic

d. The abuser or the narcissist season the victim for the convoluted dance with his covert approach